I think about writing a whole day.
Architecture is essentially a public and social activity.
Indeed it is difficult to imagine Architectural research,
in any real sense,that does not involve communication within the whole community.

In other words, communication plays an essential role within the very act of Architectural perception.
Critic is vital method to make something GOOD.
Architects are disposed in their thinking by a general background,or tacit infrastructure,professional experience,
of ideas,concepts,and knowledge,sense of beauty or passion.
In addition, they constantly engage in a form of internal dialogue with the whole structure of their particular discipline(maybe culture).

In this dialogue an Architect raises questions and meets points of view which are attributed to other Architects
and to his or her own past work.In addition to the internal dialogue,
Not only Architects but every workers are actively engaged in their daily work with a social exchange of ideas
and opinions through discussions,lectures,conferences,readings,studying,and published papers.
Motivations,questions,and attitudes arise out of these dialogues, so that all experiment(attempt?trial?endeavor?)
in the end,arises out of the whole subcultural matrix of critical thinking.

I think now,when insight occurs(for example thinking about cup of paper),
it emerges out of this overall structure of communication and must
then be unfolded so that it obtains its full meaning within it.
As a particular insight unfolded, Architect discusses the new ideas with colleagues and eventually publishes them.
In this way criticisms are met and new suggestions(New insight) are exchanged within the community.
This leads to a transformation of the original perception.

This process of general discussion is so persuasive around the world today
that it becomes difficult to say who was originally responsible for creating a particular new idea.
As each an ambitious person writes papers and holds discussions with colleagues,
new perceptions arise uninvited out of the totality of the social and cultural environment.
It can truly be said that each architect contributes something of significance to this communal matrix
in which every major discovery has its ultimate ground.

open exchange of ideas.