遠近の回想 増補新版

遠近の回想 増補新版




Report must be noted below.

An author's central obligation is to present a concise,accurate account of the
research performed as well as an objective discussion of its significance.

A paper should contain sufficient detail and reference to public sources of
information to permit the author's peers to repeat the work.

An author should cite those publications that have been influential in determining
the nature of the reported work and that will guide the reader quickly to the
earlier work that is essential for understanding the present investigation.

Fragmentation of research papers should be avoided.
A scientist who has done extensive work on a system should organize publication
so that each paper gives a complete account of a particular aspect of the general study.

It is inappropriate for an author to submit manuscripts describing essentially
the same research to more than one journal of primary publication.

A criticism of a published paper may sometimes be justified;however.in no case is
personal criticism considered to be appropriate.

Only persons who have significantly contributed to the research and paper preparation
should be listed as authors.
The author who submits a manuscript for publication attests to the fact that any others
named as authors have seen the final version of the paper and have agrred to its submission for publication.